i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com


..JY's space..

GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Thursday, August 22, 2013. Saturday, July 13, 2013. Times passed so quickly, I've been in singapore for one months and four days ago. Everything's were like a dream. Everyone ask me about how's the life here, and the answer every time I gave was "tough but have fun". Hmm Mayb yes, mayb not at all. That's sure but used to it now. The heart will still stick at home but the mind and body was here, S'pore! And for sure, I miss MALAYSIA!














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..JY's space.. | i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com Reviews
GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Thursday, August 22, 2013. Saturday, July 13, 2013. Times passed so quickly, I've been in singapore for one months and four days ago. Everything's were like a dream. Everyone ask me about how's the life here, and the answer every time I gave was tough but have fun. Hmm Mayb yes, mayb not at all. That's sure but used to it now. The heart will still stick at home but the mind and body was here, S'pore! And for sure, I miss MALAYSIA!
1 jy's space
2 在这里已经两个月了
3 刚开始一个月的时候,觉得时间怎么那么快
4 但现在两个月了,觉得怎么那么慢,才两个
5 因为你知道,你还有2 5年要待在这儿
6 当然会想家,可是只能在这里更努力地完成我的使命与任务
7 成为与众不同的那个,希望与喜悦
8 posted by
9 jinny @ goldfish
10 no comments
Page content here
jy's space,在这里已经两个月了,刚开始一个月的时候,觉得时间怎么那么快,但现在两个月了,觉得怎么那么慢,才两个,因为你知道,你还有2 5年要待在这儿,当然会想家,可是只能在这里更努力地完成我的使命与任务,成为与众不同的那个,希望与喜悦,posted by,jinny @ goldfish,no comments,life in singapore,it's that truth,homesick,soon,我 问心无愧,做,自己 该做的事,不违规不犯法不得罪,人生的目的只为了一个,就是使他人幸福

..JY's space.. | i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com Reviews


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Thursday, August 22, 2013. Saturday, July 13, 2013. Times passed so quickly, I've been in singapore for one months and four days ago. Everything's were like a dream. Everyone ask me about how's the life here, and the answer every time I gave was "tough but have fun". Hmm Mayb yes, mayb not at all. That's sure but used to it now. The heart will still stick at home but the mind and body was here, S'pore! And for sure, I miss MALAYSIA!


i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com

..JY's space..: Soon..


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Saturday, June 01, 2013. Soon, I'll leave M'sia. Soon, I'll achieve my dream. Soon, I'll start my new life. Soon, I'll become a BETTER ME =). Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). It's about my religion. click it =]. I like it =]. Want know more about my dance life? Click on the picha. You can get me in FB =]. 12302;thx 4 ur visit』. THE LATEST GOLDFISH ♥. Moon Cake festival =). It's truth. for me. About me ↓. View my complete profile.


..JY's space..: 04/10


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Saturday, April 24, 2010. 叮咛以下大家: 无论如何, 都不可以发烧! Sunday, April 18, 2010. I think I'm falling for you. Friday, April 09, 2010. Thursday, April 08, 2010. When morning go 2 skul,. Listen a speech until reset. Bored n stay in my class. Fatimah kok gif every1 a nickname. My nname call "gloria chan". Zadao gou gou li. When last period,. Our sc teacher tell tat. V scold or say some bad thing on facebook,. She say she noe who do it. I like it =].


..JY's space..: 05/10


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Saturday, May 29, 2010. Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Tuesday, May 11, 2010. 说到:"康不应该做人, 投错胎了, 应该做猪…. Tuesday, May 04, 2010. Sunday, May 02, 2010. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). It's about my religion. click it =]. I like it =]. Want know more about my dance life? Click on the picha. You can get me in FB =]. 12302;thx 4 ur visit』. THE LATEST GOLDFISH ♥. Moon Cake festival =). It's truth. for me. About me ↓. View my complete profile.


..JY's space..: 07/09


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Thursday, July 30, 2009. Wednesday, July 29, 2009. 我也一样啦 -.-lll.= '. Monday, July 27, 2009. Wednesday, July 22, 2009. Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Sunday, July 19, 2009. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). It's about my religion. click it =]. I like it =]. Want know more about my dance life? Click on the picha. You can get me in FB =]. 12302;thx 4 ur visit』. THE LATEST GOLDFISH ♥. Moon Cake festival =). It's truth. for me. About me ↓.


..JY's space..: 27 NOV.


GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Wednesday, November 28, 2012. 是的!是华语,你没看错。 的确,华语较能透露出感受及想法。也比较吸睛。 往后,部分的帖子会以英文编写之余,当然少不了华语。 华语是我的母语,虽然要学好英文不能忘了华语。 最近爱上了文字。很多感受都用文字表达。 因为它可以不用说出口但却能比说出来还要清楚而且容易了解。 短短的两个月内,我的头脑忽然之间就爆满了很多感触与感受。 也写了不少的文字发送出去。收到的人不多但却是我在乎的一部分。 可能、也许、说不定是因为家,让我想了更多。 狂告诉自己不必要的别想太多,浪费时间、力气去干些也许对他人而言无意义的事情。 有些时候也许很累,回头想想也许无谓,但毕竟过去了。  不管那些事值不值得,. 65341;。是骗人的三个字,你无法不在乎。 不受邀,[ 别在意. 65341;。也 是骗人的三个字. 12290;  请自我反省为什么然后把不开心遗弃并忘掉. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).





im123go.blogspot.com im123go.blogspot.com

遇上你的''舜''間,是天''意''。: February 2015


遇上你的' 舜' 間,是天' 意' 。 Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Thursday, February 5, 2015. 所以東西也比較難賣出去 還要我們hit target根本就很難嘛 ( 一張單RM500 =,=. 對著我們整個臉超lc 對著韓國男生就嘻嘻哈哈 完全兩個樣 小姐你有那麼dry嗎. 好像有點糟糕 唉 拿個band 3就好了 雖然也不知行不行. 還有 要想想看 要買什麽呢 XDD. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). 20 years old, ordinary Capricorn's girl. View my complete profile. Ji mui ♥. 9829; KEVIN MUN. 9829; YONG SHEN. 9829; YONG XIN. Be Myself . =). 9829; YU ZHEN. 9829; GOLDFISH JING YEE. 9829; XIAO HAN. 9829; MEI SIM. 9829; JIA YI. 9829; YEN JI. 9679; SUM SUM.

im123go.blogspot.com im123go.blogspot.com

遇上你的''舜''間,是天''意''。: 28/1


遇上你的' 舜' 間,是天' 意' 。 Wednesday, January 28, 2015. 其實我們的友情一直都沒有變對嗎 就只是少了聯絡 ( 明明住那麼近. 你的一句 "我到現在還很討厭他 因為他曾經傷害過你" 我其實有感動到. 這種情況 我就是遇過了 就是那種希望下次都不再遇見的感覺 真的讓我想逃. 一段時間后就算再聯絡回 也會 有什麼 不一樣了. T T. 小孩的確可愛 家庭的確幸福 可是 沒有兩全其美的事. 沒錢好可惜 說好畢業了才去 你們現在就去了 :(. 我知道是因為機票有便宜 哈哈哈 只有認命啦 T T. Muet speaking test也可以很簡單. 吧? 屁啦 明明擔心得要死 T T. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). 20 years old, ordinary Capricorn's girl. View my complete profile. Ji mui ♥. 9829; KEVIN MUN. 9829; YONG SHEN. 9829; YONG XIN. Be Myself . =). 9829; YU ZHEN.

im123go.blogspot.com im123go.blogspot.com

遇上你的''舜''間,是天''意''。: June 2014


遇上你的' 舜' 間,是天' 意' 。 Monday, June 30, 2014. 沒想到拍影片挺好玩的呢 不過 應該算是好笑吧 xD. 有手有腳的人 爲什麽要搶東西 真是的 我詛咒他們都不得好死. 第二次目睹搶東西事件 雖然受害者都不是我 但看到那一幕真的觸目驚心 嚇傻了. 到現在依然心有餘悸 其實如果我獨自走在路上 我會提心吊膽的 ( 啊, 好多成語. 出街我都儘量不帶包包 東西被搶走是小事 人有事的話 怎麼辦. 走在比較安靜的地方時 我會一直注意後面 不是我疑心病重 我是真的很怕 /. 一個女生最容易成為目標 更何況 像我那麼可愛的女生 ( 不要打我. 現在的人真的很猖狂 有些搶了東西 還要傷害人 有必要嗎. 治安很爛 就算是小心也未必沒事 不幸被那些壞人看上的話 小心也沒用. 嗯 又生病了 明明一個月多前才剛病好 現在又來了. 超討厭的 我咳嗽要幾個禮拜才會痊愈的呢 T T. 然後在班上 老師講課班上很安靜時 我卻一直咳一直咳 不喜歡這感覺 :(. 傷風也很討厭 要我一整天拿著紙巾都算了 吃東西也沒有味道 T T. 我依稀記得之前的我抵抗力很強的說 不會一直病的 T T. 我們真的很白癡 訂下...

im123go.blogspot.com im123go.blogspot.com

遇上你的''舜''間,是天''意''。: April 2014


遇上你的' 舜' 間,是天' 意' 。 Monday, April 28, 2014. 那一天 我因为太得空 如愿以偿去了Paradigm Mall. 好吧 我知道我该减肥 . . 他戴眼镜和没戴眼镜都有不一样的好看 戴了很斯文 不戴就有点坏人脸 XD. 他们有跳健康舞 他的动作有点可爱 哈哈 不懂该不该这样形容 XD. 看了他后 我不懒惰追戏了 重点是 他的戏 XD ( 我到底看人还是看戏啊. 看了他真人后 发现还蛮喜欢他的 我的新偶像 :D. 还要拍那种恶心的影片 = = 陈展鹏好多了 哈哈哈哈. 但是 就是因为不知要如何选择 继续读下去 是唯一的方法吧. Friday, April 25, 2014. 如果追戏的话 看到一半又突然有问题不能下载 这样会很没瘾 :3. 至于one piece 想存多多集才一次过看 不然看完了又要等一个星期才出一集 没瘾 1. 游戏呢 最近只玩神魔和Hay Day 我知道我无聊 /. 颓废的生活一定会被ngam的 但是之前我们读书那么辛苦 现在放纵一下 有何不可? 美欣 洁琪, 巧欣 茜雯 我真的很想念你们 :(. 算了 回忆一下penang trip 开心一下.

im123go.blogspot.com im123go.blogspot.com

遇上你的''舜''間,是天''意''。: January 2015


遇上你的' 舜' 間,是天' 意' 。 Wednesday, January 28, 2015. 其實我們的友情一直都沒有變對嗎 就只是少了聯絡 ( 明明住那麼近. 你的一句 "我到現在還很討厭他 因為他曾經傷害過你" 我其實有感動到. 這種情況 我就是遇過了 就是那種希望下次都不再遇見的感覺 真的讓我想逃. 一段時間后就算再聯絡回 也會 有什麼 不一樣了. T T. 小孩的確可愛 家庭的確幸福 可是 沒有兩全其美的事. 沒錢好可惜 說好畢業了才去 你們現在就去了 :(. 我知道是因為機票有便宜 哈哈哈 只有認命啦 T T. Muet speaking test也可以很簡單. 吧? 屁啦 明明擔心得要死 T T. Saturday, January 24, 2015. 想說 貪小便宜是人的本性 不分年齡和職業 XD. 之前上癮過 原來一段時間沒玩后 再玩回時那個癮就回來了 xD. Sunday, January 18, 2015. 真的會有這感覺 就生病剛好之後 ( 不過再過不久就會忘了 XD. 也很慶幸傷風過後沒有咳嗽 因為要新年了 所以 我算幸運 XD. 所以 如果我們混熟了 恭喜你 XD.

tallman-jackson.blogspot.com tallman-jackson.blogspot.com

Jackson~Tallman: March 2012


Feeling tell everythingS =). Saturday, March 24, 2012. Yesterday was ah bi bday. We had a great night drinking at fish house :D. I miss u. Do u notice? I don't know why. I do try to make u smile and laugh as usual. I ask what happen, and you won't not trying to tell. I told you many times, anything you can tell me. You like or don't like wat i do, you also can tell me. I just wish to be the one that will appear when u need someone to care and to love. Or maybe I'm not the one. Friday, March 23, 2012.

tallman-jackson.blogspot.com tallman-jackson.blogspot.com

Jackson~Tallman: June 2011


Feeling tell everythingS =). Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Dear blog I'm so sorry i have not recently post anything. Cause i don't have my own lap-pie. Pls wait until i have a new lap-pie. I promise you i will post my daily life once a day. :). Success start by the 1st step]. Monday, June 13, 2011. Its finally comes to tis day. Is a bit horror abit scarry for me. I scare i fail again. Drop to the deep again. I cant take tis anymore. I cant take tis presure more abit. Im gonna kill myself. I wish you're my side].

tallman-jackson.blogspot.com tallman-jackson.blogspot.com

Jackson~Tallman: January 2011


Feeling tell everythingS =). Monday, January 31, 2011. Aday late post again. I love to post whn no 1 around me. Cause i dont wan any1 to notice tis blog :). Thee place i work. I play Dota thr tis few days.XD. Is so free thr. I dont wan to leave tat place of working. Is simple.the workers over thr is nice. Wont scold or mumbeling on u. Is the bestest place I have work. I will remember u guys.=). Frds are made forever not a sec XD]. Sunday, January 30, 2011. Call for many times. I try to be closer. I would...

tallman-jackson.blogspot.com tallman-jackson.blogspot.com

Jackson~Tallman: love is like this


Feeling tell everythingS =). Monday, May 14, 2012. Love is like this. Hmm recently very busy :O. Sorry for not updating. 她说“你一定很疼你的女朋友,当你女朋友一定很幸福”. Sometimes i just don't understand why people like to love someone that hurt u the most! Those people who treat u good , love u like a princess, ou will not appreciate them and just call them walk away. I dare to say,. If i fall in love with u. I won't let go. Ill think of our future,. Love is not play,. Is just someone,. You wan to live forever with,.

tallman-jackson.blogspot.com tallman-jackson.blogspot.com

Jackson~Tallman: October 2011


Feeling tell everythingS =). Friday, October 14, 2011. Yesterday go and watch angelababy movie. Is a great movie. is one of the movie tat make me cry T.T. My tears really drop when reach the part baby read the blog tat le u u write for her. Is really touch. I hope all the couples i know will go and watch it. I watch alone in the cinema, cry alone in the cinema. Those couple beside me. Those eyes watching me. Ya I'm alone not like u guys. I won't be alone. Wednesday, October 12, 2011. It's feel like crying.






i-m-god-remember.skyrock.com i-m-god-remember.skyrock.com

Blog de i-m-god-remember - Yours faithfully..Lmao.Fuck y'all ! - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Yours faithfully.Lmao.Fuc k y'all! 8226;˜•. ˜*•. ˜*•.•*˜ .•*˜˜*•. ˜”* •.˜”* •.• *”˜.• *”˜ .•*˜. 732;”* • вιιєиνєиυє• *”˜.• *. 8226;*˜ .• *”˜.• *”˜”* •.˜”* •. ˜*•. •*˜ .•*˜*•.˜*•. .•˜•. 8260;√√∕ ∕. 8226;˜•. ˜*•. ˜*•.•*˜ .•*˜˜*•. ˜”* •.˜”* •.• *”˜.• *”˜ .•*˜. 732;”* • αѕѕє т0ιι• *”˜.• *. Mise à jour :. Poker Face (The Fame). Abonne-toi à mon blog! PerfectiiOn, Ha ha . Allez les meuf's en piste! Ou poster avec :. Posté le jeudi 02 octobre 2008 12:06. Le 23 octob...

i-m-god.skyrock.com i-m-god.skyrock.com

Blog de i-m-god - hello i'm nelson - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Hello i'm nelson. Bon mes friendzzzzz moi ma famille la muziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik. Avenue des jambes rue des deux. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Voila ce blog est fin mon nouveau c n laaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa. Aaaaa ce blog étai mon blog mirandais et lotre c le marciacais. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. Posté le dimanche 04 octobre 2009 14:41. Ou poster avec :.

i-m-going-to-die.skyrock.com i-m-going-to-die.skyrock.com

Blog de I-m-going-to-die - On est Jamais sur De rien ... - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. On est Jamais sur De rien . Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Je Raconte Une histoire , J'espère qu'elle vous plaira. N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Posté le mardi 29 juillet 2008 11:01. Modifié le samedi 08 novembre 2008 06:29. On dirait un molusque!

i-m-going-to-love-u.skyrock.com i-m-going-to-love-u.skyrock.com

Blog de I-m-going-to-love-U - Blog de I-m-going-to-love-U - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Mise à jour :. I Won't Disagree - Kate Voegele. Abonne-toi à mon blog! I'm Going To Love You. Après avoir lu toute vos stories. J'ai décidé de me prendre au jeu aussi! Pour ce qui est des MAJ, j'espère les faire le plus souvent possible! Je suis 100% Leytonienne. Même si j'ai adoré Brucas,. Je pense que Leyton dégage beaucoup plus d'amour! Bref vous êtes prévenus! C'est ma première story alors ne soyez pas trop dur! Hilarie Burton Peyton Sawyer. Retape dans l...

i-m-going-wrong.skyrock.com i-m-going-wrong.skyrock.com

Blog Music de I-m-going-wrong - Find the good way... - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Find the good way. Etre quelqu`un de bieи c`est dur,. J`ai pαs ℓ`hαbitude . J'ai perdu le sourire mais je veux m'en sortir, Mais crois-moi dès à présent je ne toucherais plus le fond , ne plus êtes mise de côté . Il fallait que je te dise . (8. Se rendre compte que l'on n'est pas aussi bien dans sa tête que l'on pensait le croire. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Find the good way. Mon monde (u'). Numéro de la piste. Ajouter à mon blog.

i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com i-m-goldfish.blogspot.com

..JY's space..

GOLDfish™ Celebrate the passed. Enjoy the present. Create the future. Thursday, August 22, 2013. Saturday, July 13, 2013. Times passed so quickly, I've been in singapore for one months and four days ago. Everything's were like a dream. Everyone ask me about how's the life here, and the answer every time I gave was "tough but have fun". Hmm Mayb yes, mayb not at all. That's sure but used to it now. The heart will still stick at home but the mind and body was here, S'pore! And for sure, I miss MALAYSIA!

i-m-gone.skyrock.com i-m-gone.skyrock.com

Blog de I-m-gone - the Other side Of the wOrld - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. The Other side Of the wOrld. C'est par là: . Si ça te plaît pas t'a quà te barré. Mise à jour :. C'est par là *. Abonne-toi à mon blog! N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Posté le jeudi 09 mars 2006 10:40. Ou poster avec :. Ou poster avec :. N'oublie pas qu...

i-m-gonna-be-mad.skyrock.com i-m-gonna-be-mad.skyrock.com

Blog de I-M-GoNNa-Be-MaD - Blog de I-M-GoNNa-Be-MaD - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Mise à jour :. C'est pas un anniversaire. Pourtant on est. Abonne-toi à mon blog! N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. You are not alone. N'oublie pas q...

i-m-gonna-be-somebody-someday.blogspot.com i-m-gonna-be-somebody-someday.blogspot.com

I'm gonna be somebody someday

Niedziela, 7 czerwca 2015. Nareszcie po dłuuuuuuuugiej przerwie powracam. :D Nawet nie wiecie jak mi Was brakowało. Dlatego beż zbędnych wstępów zapraszam na. O hej - przywitała mnie ciepłym uśmiechem,. Hej - również się uśmiechnęłam. Proszę wejdź. - powiedziała - Co cię sprowadza w nasze skromne progi? A tak mi się nudziło więc pomyślałam, że was odwiedzę. - odparłam. Chłopaków niestety nie ma. Pojechali do pracy. A ja zostałam sama i też się trochę nudzę. - rzekła. Nagle do głowy wpadł mi pewnie pomysł.

i-m-gonna-breakout.skyrock.com i-m-gonna-breakout.skyrock.com

i-m-gonna-breakout's blog - Blog de i-m-gonna-breakout - Skyrock.com

07/03/2009 at 2:19 AM. 13/03/2009 at 10:50 AM. Subscribe to my blog! Jsuis vraiment dsl, mais je retourne deux blogs avant, pas get-baaack mais l'autre, vous connaissez l'adresse. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Saturday, 07 March 2009 at 2:36 AM. Post to my blog. Here you are free.

i-m-gonna-fight-em-off.skyrock.com i-m-gonna-fight-em-off.skyrock.com

Blog de I-m-gonna-fight-em-off - LADYS AND GENTLEMEN... - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. I'm gonna fight 'em off. A seven nation army couldn't hold me back. They're gonna rip it off. Taking their time right behind my back. And I'm talking to myself at night. Because I can't forget. Back and forth through my mind. And the message coming from my eyes says leave it alone. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. Ou poster avec :.